January Meetings!

Our meetings for this January have been decided!

Be-Involved Fair!

We will be at the Be-Involved Fair at the Corec Janurary 29th from 12PM-3PM! Stop by to see some of our members present all the great things we’ve done and what is yet to come!

Coffee Chats

Our first coffee chat will be on the 16th from 2PM-4PM in the PMU. We meet by the model map of campus. Coffee chats are optional meetings where our members can hang out, get to know each other, and talk about books. They are a great opportunity to learn more about the club and meet others! Our second coffee chat will be on the 30th — same time and location as the first!

General Meeting and Callout

Our regular monthly meeting on the 25th from 7:30PM-9:30PM in STEW 314 will function as a callout this month! Please come if you are interested in the club and will like to know more, or if you are considering joining. We will go over everything you need to know! The callout will last for the first 30 minutes of the meeting.

After that, the books we will be discussing are our Winter break books: The Night Circus and Murder on the Orient Express. Don’t be hesitant to come if you haven’t read both of them - our discussions are spoiler free!


February Books and Meetings!


December Books of the Month